Selamat Beribadah Mak

by - December 13, 2017

Time fliessssss. Rasa macam ritu je baru mak wasep bagitau dah daftar nama nak pergi umrah. Rasa macam baru je ritu teman mak dengar kelas umrah. Andddddd today comes.

2 nights before, I was being such a spoiled and emotional daughter for feeling so so sad and cried so harddd. That night, before i took a bath i called her, but we just talked for a while because she had some stuff to do. So, i went bath and i was so emotional in the toilet, she is going to a long-far journey, she is going to Rumah Allah, dia nak jadi tetamu Allah, what is she doesnt going back? I've a mix feeling of being happy and scare. Right after that, I whatapp-ed her and and asked for her forgiveness. Idk why but my tears were falling down likes waterfall. I prayed with the teary eyes and runny nose. Maybe I was scared to let her off my guard. I wanted to accompany her so badly there, at Mekah and Madinah. I wanted to be there. I wanted to take care of her. I wanted to be the one who hold her hands. Ya Allah, please make this wish comes true.

So, today's morning, we (big family) went to the airport to send our beloveds. Mommy went there with her siblings. Hope they could help and look after for each other. Alhamdulillah things went smooth and well.

Mak, I feel so empty now coz I cant get reach to you for hours already. Semoga Allah jagakan mak untuk aku. Semoga Allah sihatkan tubuh badan mak. Semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya. Semoga selamat sampai n pulang ya family. Makkkkk, i missed you so much T.T

I'm so sensitive, ain't it? Maybe I gonna have my period in a few days.

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  1. I think it's sweet as you're having lots of thoughts to let her go but let's just hope may Allah ease everything and Insya-Allah, she'll be back safe and sound.. :)

  2. Insha Allah she will be back safe and soundly.



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